Office temperature costing UK economy up to £13bn a year

According to a survey released last week, approximately 2% of office hours are wasted due to the temperature being inadequate, potentially costing the UK economy more than £13bn annually. The study of 2,000 office workers by One Poll, on behalf of heating and air-conditioning specialist, Andrews Sykes, intended to measure how temperature affects people’s working day, looking at workplace efficiency and output. Office workers aged between 18-60 were questioned, with results showing that less than a quarter of respondents find the temperat... Continue reading

A good leader recognises their staff are human

Due to a lack of good leaders in the UK, employees of all ages and across all income levels are feeling apathetic and detached from their work, resulting in a loss of productivity, increase in sick days and poorer quality work, according to cognitive psychologist and business improvement specialist, Dr Lynda Shaw. There are plenty of good managers in the UK workforce, but there is a lack of dynamic business leaders who inspire and drive their workforce to be their very best. As top management attempt to juggle more business roles and responsib... Continue reading

Is the date for changes to the CDM Regulations finally upon us?

We have been led to believe that the update to the Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Regulations 2007 would be published on numerous occasions, only to be disappointed by many a delay. However, comments last week from a health and safety law expert hinting that we might finally be getting somewhere have raised excitement levels. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has been planning revisions to the regulations for what seems an eternity now, but on Thursday 20 March, health and safety expert, Sean Elson, of Pinsent Masons... Continue reading

Serious workplace accidents - what employers need to know about RIDDOR

Workplace accidents can occur in any job, and as such, it is important to have robust health and safety procedures in place to minimise risk as much as possible. One way to achieve this is through following the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) set out by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). These are a legal requirement, and by keeping a log of the accidents that occur within a company, it becomes easier to identify areas of concern that can be improved upon in future. The most serious work-re... Continue reading

Employment Tribunal claims plummet since introduction of fees

It was last week revealed that Employment Tribunal claims dropped by 79% year-on-year in the last quarter of 2013 following the Government’s decision to introduce fees for employees bringing Tribunal cases. According to the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), the number of claims totalled 9,801 between October and December 2013, meaning there were 79% fewer claims than in the same period in 2012 and 75% fewer than the quarter before. The Government controversially introduced fees for bringing a claim to an Employment Tribunal in July 2013, stating t... Continue reading