Taking a trip down the rabbit hole: Amy Metcalfe volunteers at rabbit rescue centre


All employees at Workplace Law are offered one day’s paid leave per year for a worthy cause, and although I really wanted to take advantage of this sooner, I was waiting for the perfect opportunity to come along. I had heard about a rabbit rescue centre near me that needed volunteers, so got in touch with them. I arranged to volunteer at the Rabbit Residence Rescue, a charity local to me who take in unwanted pet rabbits and look to rehome them. They also offer a holiday boarding service which generates a regular revenue stream. I have owned ... Continue reading

All in a week's work for the HSE!


Not many weeks pass without the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) releasing new research or detailing a recent prosecution, but last week was possibly the busiest for the HSE in a long time. First up, it revealed the results of its national targeted inspection which focused on health risks for construction workers. During a two-week period of proactive inspections, the HSE demanded improvements and in cases where sites fell short of expected standards, put an immediate stop to work activities. HSE revealed that its Inspectors focused on sign... Continue reading

Holiday pay ruling could cripple British businesses


A recent European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling on holiday pay has led to business groups calling for the Government to urgently intervene as fears escalate that firms could be hit with costs of billions of pounds. In the UK, holiday pay is currently calculated on the basis of a ‘week’s pay’ – based on basic salary and excluding payments such as working allowances, expenses, overtime, commission and bonus payments, all of which refer to specific work done by someone while performing their duties. However, a recent ECJ ruling has det... Continue reading

Consultation opens on guidance to help reduce fire risk at waste management sites


A cross-industry group has developed draft guidance in an attempt to help reduce the risk of fires at waste management sites, and is now seeking feedback from the industry. The comprehensive 89-page document has been prepared over the course of six months by the Environmental Services Association (ESA) in conjunction with the Environment Agency, HSE, and the Chief Fire Officers Association. It was also revealed that the main insurance companies involved in waste management were also consulted for their views on some aspects of the document. ... Continue reading

How Portable Appliance Testing saves lives and money


Any business owner or employer has a duty of care to their employees, customers and workplace users, and through their duty are required to have a stringent health and safety policy in place. Many owners / employers look at health and safety as a burden and rather than implement its recommendations, look at ways to save money. Often falling into the “don’t do it to save money” category is Portable Appliance Testing, yet done properly, this additional form of safety testing can save businesses money, time and potentially lives. As the ... Continue reading