Will the HSE’s asbestos safety campaign be the catalyst for similar initiatives across the world?


The HSE last week launched a new safety campaign to encourage tradespeople to think about asbestos on every job. The aim is to ensure they are prepared to deal with the threat after it was revealed that 1.3 million are at risk from the dangers of asbestos. According to a new survey, commissioned by the HSE, workers, including construction professionals, carpenters and painters and decorators could come into contact with deadly asbestos on average more than 100 times a year. The survey also uncovered some common myths believed by those at risk... Continue reading

Are companies in the UK focusing enough on health and safety?


Health and safety is an issue businesses of all sizes cannot afford to ignore, but if research carried out by YouGov on behalf of Seton is anything to go by, it is something many could still improve on. After speaking to employees and senior decision makers at small and medium sized enterprises about the subject, it discovered that 22% (excluding those operating as sole traders) believed that no one or just one person at their company has received any kind of workplace health and safety training. Companies cited a number of things that were p... Continue reading

CIPD urges employers to support workers with caring responsibilities in its latest absence management report


A new report from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) looking into absence management in the workplace has revealed some startling figures that are sure to make employers take a look at their current stance and perhaps a number of their policies. The latest CIPD/Simplyhealth Absence Management Survey, published yesterday, found that while more than a third of employers are witnessing increasing absence levels because staff are struggling to balance caring responsibilities with work, just one in six organisations have po... Continue reading

Ergonomics: Keeping your body safe in the workplace


If you’ve ever come home from work with a stiff neck or sore back from working at a keyboard or sitting too long in an uncomfortable chair, a workplace ergonomics programme could benefit you. The University of Michigan Health System defines ergonomics as ‘the study of how people interact with their activities and their environment’, with goals including improving health and safety, preventing injuries and improving productivity. What is ergonomics management? Attention to ergonomics helps people feel more comfortable in the work environ... Continue reading

Is your workplace at risk from these common hazards?


With the increased focus on health and safety in recent times, you may feel that the working environment you provide for your employees is now safe and free of hazards. However, it doesn’t pay to be complacent when it comes to workplace safety. In 2012/13 there were a total of 148 deaths in UK workplaces and over 78,000 reported work-related injuries. If these statistics tell us one thing, it’s that you should always stay vigilant when it comes to ensuring your workplace is free from hazards. Cute Injury has put together a great infograp... Continue reading