GHG guidance launched to aid companies reporting emissions

The World Resources Institute (WRI) has updated its Greenhouse Gas Protocol Accounting Guidance, which helps businesses measure their emissions from electricity used. The GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, originally produced in 2003, has now been updated to reflect the rapid growth of renewable energy and other shifts in the electricity market over the last 12 years, with the framework recommending how companies can measure and report their greenhouse gas emissions. The WRI has worked to improve and harmonise guidance for how companies account f... Continue reading

GHG guidance launched to help companies reporting emissions

The World Resources Institute (WRI) has updated its Greenhouse Gas Protocol Accounting Guidance, which helps businesses measure their emissions from electricity used. The GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, originally produced in 2003, has now been updated to reflect the rapid growth of renewable energy and other shifts in the electricity market over the last 12 years, with the framework recommending how companies can measure and report their greenhouse gas emissions. The WRI has worked to improve and harmonise guidance for how companies account f... Continue reading

Do you know the employment rights of employees working abroad?

We are increasingly in a mobile world where staff move from one country to another as part of their normal working life; where international assignments are becoming the ‘norm’; and where employers need to be aware of which legislation and jurisdictions cover these staff on such appointments.  Since the express territorial limits of the Employment Rights Act 1996 were repealed in 1999, employers have faced uncertainty on the question of what confirms whether staff working abroad have the right to claim unfair dismissal under UK legislatio... Continue reading

Do you know the employment rights of employees working abroad?

We are increasingly in a mobile world where staff move from one country to another as part of their normal working life; where international assignments are becoming the ‘norm’; and where employers need to be aware of which legislation and jurisdictions cover these staff on such appointments.  Since the express territorial limits of the Employment Rights Act 1996 were repealed in 1999, employers have faced uncertainty on the question of what confirms whether staff working abroad have the right to claim unfair dismissal under UK legislatio... Continue reading

B&ES launches new Definitive SFG20 Building Maintenance Standard website

The B&ES has launched a new customer facing website for SFG20, the definitive standard for building maintenance, which covers all main types of heating, cooling and ventilation equipment. Service Model subscribers will now also be able to read service timings as standard on the website and there are new functions on the website to make performing everyday tasks and managing schedules easier. In addition, users will be better able to organise their models, with new functionality which enables the creation of sub-folders, ideal for organising a... Continue reading