Employees being offered more flexible working opportunities


According to new research from recruitment consultancy, Robert Half, opportunities for flexible working are increasing in UK firms as remote working has increased by 37% in the last three years. This trend seems to be growing worldwide with figures suggesting that more than 30 million Americans work from home now, while Forrester Research’s US Telecommuting Forecast predicts that number will rise to 63 million by next year – meaning 43% of the US workforce will be working remotely by 2016. The Robert Half study, based on interviews with 2... Continue reading

Taxi for Thailand – Preferably with four wheels!


During a recent business trip to Thailand it became obvious that using the roads would require higher levels of concentration than I had been used to. And those concentration levels would also be required on the pavement - at 8 am on my first day walking to work along a busy pavement, I had to swerve to avoid a scooter! I looked first at the rider who seemed to expect people to move out of his way. I say ‘his’ as this part was clear due to a lack of helmet protection covering his head. Then I looked at the other pedestrians for the support... Continue reading

Marathon effort for wounded soldiers


I agreed last year to run the Virgin London Marathon on behalf of the Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers, a City of London livery company that enjoys strong links with the facilities management industry.  I’m excited, if not a little scared, that the marathon is now almost upon us, and I’m just about as prepared as I can be for what is undoubtedly going to be a tough challenge.  Running for the Pattenmakers, I am raising money for the many good causes the company supports, including the education of young people and the provision of pro... Continue reading

Five things I have learnt about making sustainability training work


International Workplace Associate, Peter Watts, MSc. MIEMA, works as a trainer and a consultant, and in his most recent blog, talks about his love for the training aspect of his role. Of all the satisfying work I undertake working in sustainability, I find training one of the most enjoyable. You know that people who you are training are almost always going to be using the knowledge gained in the session for making change. In effect, you are helping them to create their own transformations in their own organisations. Over the years I have dev... Continue reading

New employees: Your safety responsibilities


In a new blog post for International Workplace, Croftons Injury Claims solicitors look at how businesses should be protecting existing staff, and what they can do to ensure the safety of new employees. Safety responsibilities when hiring new employees Looking after the health and safety of employees is crucial. As a business owner and employer, you are legally responsible for the welfare of each person while they are at work. Statistics from the HSE have revealed that many workplace accidents occur within the first six months of an employee... Continue reading