Thames Water fined £1 million for breach of its Environmental Permit

A record fine for Thames Water in a recent water pollution case supports the conclusion that ‘very large’ companies are likely to experience increasingly high levels of fines for environmental non-compliance. The New Year started with a fine of £1million levied on Thames Water Utilities Ltd for repeated discharge of sewage into a branch of the Grand Union canal in contravention of its Environmental Permit. This follows on from the 2014 Sentencing Guidelines which were brought in to provide greater transparency around the level of fines f... Continue reading

Over 480 million leaked records in 2015

2015 saw the volume of data breaches and cyber-attacks increase vastly with breaches of highly sensitive data including targeted attacks on government agencies such as the US’s OPM and Germany’s Bundestag. These breaches and attacks have resulted in money being stolen, personal data (including that of children) being taken and lives ruined. This highlights the importance of data protection and that everyone who collects, uses and saves personal and sensitive data does so appropriately to protect individuals’ rights and to also uphold an... Continue reading

10% off all online purchase

To mark 2016 we are now offering 10% discount on all purchases going through our online checkout.  This applies to all purchable courses and the 10% discount is automatically calcualted by the checkout. In addtion to 10% discount if you are ordering on behalf of a business and your order is over £100 there is an invoice function so if you select this we will invoice your company with 14 days pay terms. To view all of our courses click here and if you have any questions call us on +44 (0)871 777 8881. ... Continue reading

New 2016 eLearning courses

We’re pleased to announce the latest additions to our suite of eLearning courses available for all learners in the UK and internationally, these are all available via our course finder: International Workplace eLearning courses These interactive short courses are designed to bring you or your contractors and site staff up to speed on the essential things about a range of different topics. With prices as little as £1 per learner (dependent on number of learners) and utilising our learning management system (LMS) to provide a powerful a... Continue reading

Christmas Jumper Day 2015

  International Workplace has brought the Christmas spirit to its offices by joining in with Text Santa’s Christmas Jumper Day. Not only is this a great excuse to get the Christmas jumpers out but it also raises much needed money for three worthwhile charities. This year Text Santa is raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support, Make a Wish and Save the Children. Our Executive Centre (IWEC) in London, Cambridge office, consultants and those working from home are all injecting the Christmas spirit into their surroundings whilst donating to... Continue reading