Get your free Environmental Sustainability Health Check

Organisations that have an effective environmental sustainability programme are more likely to avoid prosecutions and fines arising from legal non-compliance, as well as benefit financially from optimising cost savings associated with reduced resource use and waste production.  Good environmental management will also help to ensure the sustainability of the business in relation to resource availability and environmental impact, and will be seen as beneficial by stakeholders, including clients, thereby contributing to the generation of  busine... Continue reading

FM Legal Update – themes for the day

Thursday 21 April will see our Spring 2016 Facilities Management Legal Update event at our training centre in Clerkenwell, London. I’ve been chairing these bi-annual events for some time now, and it was in 2011 that I hinted that it might be “exciting times” for the world of health and safety – a phrase that is rarely used! Around that time, there was feverish excitement that the UK’s health and safety culture was changing, following two high level government reports (Lord Young and Professor Lofstedt). These were both welcomed as a ... Continue reading

New H&S sentencing guidelines now in force

As of the 1 February 2016 new sentencing guidelines for health and safety offences, corporate manslaughter and food safety offences are in force and apply to any case sentenced in courts in England and Wales. The Sentencing Council published these on 3 November 2015 and they addressed the lack of comprehensive guidance for health and safety and corporate manslaughter offences. These guidelines have been introduced to provide courts with a comprehensive guide to apply to these offences and have introduced a nine step approach for the court ... Continue reading

The value of eLearning

The value of eLearning is growing in strength and is becoming a cost effective way of training large amount of employees. It can produce great results by not only decreasing your training costs but also improving performance throughout your organisation. Although there is this growth a lot of people don’t understand the full value of eLearning and how it can be successfully introduced into your company. Fully appreciating the value of eLearning can help you make decisions about when and how it can be successfully incorporated into your train... Continue reading

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults can provide challenging moral and legal responsibilities for individuals and organisations. Under laws brought in in summer 2015, schools, prisons, the NHS and local authorities have a legal obligation, known as the "Prevent Duty", to spot individuals who might be vulnerable to extremism and radicalisation. A total of 415 children aged 10 and under have been referred to the government's deradicalisation programme in England and Wales over the last four years and according to the National Police Chie... Continue reading