Learning to let go


It doesn’t take a genius to work out that the way we do everything has changed, not least in the workplace and in the very way we learn. In his final blog of 2016, International Workplace’s Managing Director, David Sharp, takes a look at the rise and rise of blended learning, and what it might mean for you. The first thing to get straight is that I’m not what might be described as a ‘learning professional’. Unlike my colleagues here at International Workplace, some of whom are qualified L&D practitioners or eLearning developm... Continue reading

Modern Slavery Act compliance – a cut and paste job?


Organisations seeking to comply with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act are publishing statements setting out their efforts to combat modern slavery in supply chains. But is it in danger of becoming a tick box exercise? Some NGOs are already commenting that many published statements are showing evidence of identical wording. Organisations such as the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre have published links to most of the statements made to date. Recent research by Ergon Associates has revealed almost identical wording in a considerable... Continue reading

Unbearably cold office? Your legal duties explained


Winter is truly upon us and as temperatures drop, some employees are spending their days in uncomfortably cold workplaces. For employers, this is a vital issue that needs to be addressed. While heating can be costly, the price of not meeting your legal duties when it comes to workplace temperature could be higher. In 2010 a retailer was fined £2,000 plus costs by Carlisle County Council for providing insufficient heating in the workplace, despite an improvement notice having been issued under Section 21 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. A... Continue reading

Mental health first aid: a new approach to workplace wellbeing


In early October, I attended a course called “Mental Health First Aid Lite”. Run by Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England, it aims to provide an introduction to mental health for workplaces, to develop awareness of the issue and gives you as an individual the first tools to start to deal with it. In my mid-twenties a member of my team went home to discover his father had taken his own life. I was obviously horrified and sent him off on compassionate leave. On returning to work, his attendance was erratic, his work substandard and I di... Continue reading